CodeBase - Simple, Yet Effective Water Matrix

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Category: 3D Effects

Version: 1.0



Uploaded: 20th Mar 2004 17:12

Modified: 18th May 2005 18:54

Author:  M Gaming


This code runs a water matrix and underwater demo program. Simply replace the <Add filename here> with a valid file and run the water program. Simple! You can add this to your program if you'd like. This program also allows you to load a model, such as a swimming pool, for more effect.

Full Description

This is a program that illustrates the usage of water. This program allows you to swim around in a pool of water, dive underwater, and all using sound effects and images. Of course, you can use your own images and sounds. Or, you can use the files included in the attachment to get the effect that I used.<br /> <br /> The water effect is simply a matter of modifying an array and using sine to set the matrix's tile height. It is actually pretty simple!<br /> <br /> - M Gaming


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