CodeBase - Text File Encryption Programs

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Category: Miscellaneous

Version: 1.0



Uploaded: 14th Jun 2005 04:13

Modified: 1st Jan 1970 01:00

Author:  Anonymous Coder


Four programs makes universal text encryption map and allows to include and use it in other programs. Makes, for example, from word 'code' a text line of numbers: 464772737746.

Full Description

Four programs: CodeMaker, Encoder, Decoder and Function Maker. The set of programs creates a universal random encryption map for Encoder and Decoder. Encoder makes a set of numbers from text files, words and text files. Decoder decodes encoded text, lines and words. Function Maker builds functions.dba to include it to any DB PRO program and decode/encode files without encryption map. Every char will be replaced with number code XXX, where XXX is combination of three numbers. The CodeMaer ensures that combinations of numbers is unique for each char. NOTE: You must copy Chars.txt and EncMap.txt (from CodeMaker folder) to each folder of program (Encoder/Decoder/FunctionMaker).


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