CodeBase - 3D circle mesh
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Category: Mesh
Version: 1.0
Uploaded: 11th Feb 2008 00:25
Modified: 14th Mar 2008 11:35
Author: Visigoth
creates a 3D circle mesh, using a triangle fan. All vertices are welded. Can create a circle with varying amounts of segments.
Full Description
this function will create a 3D circle mesh set up like a triangle fan, where all triangles radiate from the center. Params are, id is the object number, segments is the number of slices in the circle, the more slices, the smoother the circle, radius# is the radius# (1/2 the diameter) of the circle, and color is the vertice colors. Also calculates texture coordinates, for your texture, just make a circle dead center on your image, and extend it to the top/bottom and sides of the image.
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