Code 1
Rem These variables hold the enemies current position, and his direction
Rem NOTE: That there is no Y position needed as this always remains the same
Dim enemyX = 125
Dim enemyDir$ = "Left"
Rem These variables hold the hero's current position and his direction
Dim herox = 0
Dim heroDir$ = "Right"
Rem This is just a simple variable that holds the key the user pressed
Dim CurrentKey
Code 2
Rem This is called when your application/game is starting up
Rem Here you should give your variables values, or perform any intitialisation tasks
Function Start()
Rem Load the Hero (Animation)
Rem 1). Firstly we have to load the file into an image
Image heroIm, "/Hero.png"
Rem 2). Now we can convert it into a sprite..but we are doing fancy animation so we use the sprite.animation
Rem command to split the image into different sprites of the sizes provided.
Sprite.Animation Hero, heroIm,48, 38
Rem We want him to look forward to start with and so we use frame 2 as the starting frame.
Sprite.setframe hero,2
Rem Load the Enemy (Animation)
Rem 1). Again, load the enemy image
Image enemyIm, "/Enemy.png"
Rem 2). and convert it into a sprite animation. As you can see the enemy is a little bit bigger than the hero.
Sprite.Animation Enemy, enemyIm,56, 40
Rem Load the Grass
Rem 1). The grass is not animated, but still we have to load it as an image
Image grassIm, "/Grass.png"
Rem 2). and as we are going to cover the whole of the bottom of the screen we need 2 as 1 isn't wide enough
Rem Instead of loading two seperately we just use an array.
Sprite.Array Grass, grassIm, 2
Catch IO
Rem If the images can't be found then Omega Basic will print out an error and quit your game.
Print "Error - Cannot load image(s)"
Code 3
Action Paint()
Rem Black Background.
Rem 1). Set the current pen colour to black
SetColor 0,0,0
Rem 2). Draw a filled rectangle the size of the screen
DRAWFILLEDRECTANGLE 0,0,width(),height()
Rem Quick Text.
Rem 1). Set the current pen colour to white
SetColor 255,255,255
Rem 2). Draw the *selling text* ;)
DrawText "A super cool platform demo!", 0, 0
Rem 3). Draw some simple debug information
DrawText "Hero is going " + heroDir$, 0, 15
Rem Draw Grass (this is a sprite array so we have to control both pieces of grass)
Rem 1). Position the grass just above the bottom of the screen
Sprite.Position Grass, 0,Height() - 32,0
Sprite.Position Grass, 128,Height() - 32,1
Rem 2). Draw the grass ledges
Sprite.DrawArray Grass,0
Sprite.DrawArray Grass,1
Rem Draw Enemy
Rem Enemy AI is handled by the Loop Action to make him automatically walk around.
Rem 1). Position the enemy at his x position and then the position calculated by taking the height of
Rem the enemy and the grass away from the screen height.
Sprite.Position enemy, enemyX, Height() - 72
Rem 2). Draw the enemy
Sprite.Draw enemy
Rem Draw Our Hero..ahh
Rem The Hero movement is handled by the KeyPressed Action to allow the user to control him
Rem 1). Position the enemy at his x position and then the y position calculated by taking the height of
Rem the hero and the grass away from the height.
Sprite.Position hero,heroX, Height() - 70
Rem 2). Draw the hero
Sprite.Draw hero
Code 4
Rem We need to get the key that the user pressed and save it for the moment
CurrentKey = GetKey()
Rem The person pressed the right arrow
if CurrentKey = 54 Then
Rem So we tell our game that we are going to be going right
heroDir$ = "Right"
Rem The person pressed the left arrow
if CurrentKey = 52 Then
Rem So we tell our game that we are now walking left
heroDir$ = "Left"
Code 5
Rem The hero is looking left and so needs to walk left, but don't let him walk off the screen
if heroDir$ = "Left" Then
Rem Keep him on screen
If heroX < 5 Then
Rem by not letting him go any further left than 5
heroX = 5
Rem Keep the (simple) animation in order by looping through 2 frames
if sprite.frame(hero) = 1 Then
Rem Ignore the sprites current frame and set it to 0
Sprite.setFrame hero,0
Rem Move to the next frame hero
Rem Now actually move him left by 5 pixels
heroX = heroX - 5
Rem The hero is looking right, so do everything we did before but apply it to him walking right
Elseif heroDir$ = "Right" Then
Rem Keep him from walking off the screen
If heroX > 125 Then
Rem by not letting him go any further right than 125
heroX = 125
Rem Again there are 2 frames to use for some simple animation
if sprite.frame(hero) = 3 Then
Rem Ignore the sprites current frame and set it to 2
Sprite.setFrame hero,2
Rem Just move to the next frame hero
Rem and allow him to move
heroX = heroX + 5
Code 6
Action Loop 1000
Rem This code is almost a direct copy of the hero's movement code, the only difference being that the enemy
Rem is automatically turned when he reaches the end of his walk so he carries on walking.
if enemyDir$ = "Left" Then
If enemyX < 50 Then
enemyX = 50
enemyDir$ = "Right"
if sprite.frame(enemy) = 2 Then
Sprite.setFrame enemy,1
Else enemy
enemyX = enemyX - 5
Elseif enemyDir$ = "Right" Then
If enemyX > 125 Then
enemyX = 125
enemyDir$ = "Left"
if sprite.frame(enemy) = 4 Then
Sprite.setFrame enemy,3
Else enemy
enemyX = enemyX + 5
Rem Update the screen.