sync on: sync rate 40

` Create the ODE World
ode start
ode set world gravity 0,-20,0
ode set world step 0.05
ode set world erp (0.2)*2.5
ode set world cfm (10^-5)*2.5

` Create a static floor.
` Implement in Dark Basic Professional first
` and then ask ODE to do the same...
make object box 1,200,10,200
color object 1, rgb(128,255,128)
ode create static box 1
` Create 4 dynamic objects
` Implement in Dark Basic Professional first
` and then ask ODE to do the same...

make object box 2,10,5,8
make object sphere 3,12,16,16
make object cone 4, 10 : xrotate object 4, 190
make object box 5,8,0.1,10

position object 2, -3,20,0
position object 3, 3,40,3
position object 4, 0,60,-3
position object 5, 0,80,0

ode create dynamic box 2
ode create dynamic sphere 3
ode create dynamic triangle mesh 4
ode create dynamic box 5

` Position the camera, and watch what happens...
position camera 0, 50, -40
point camera 0,20,0

while inkey$() = ""
	ode update

` Tidy up... 
ode end