Today we've added 30 new sounds to the AppGameKit Sound Library DLC!
There's a Christmas theme to this update, from Santa's sleigh to charming Christmas bells. We hope you can find some great uses with these sounds in your projects! Here's the full list of new sounds:
- BalloonPop.wav Single balloon pop
- BellMedium.wav Solemn tubular bell
- BonusGhostly1.wav Single tone with buzzy attributes
- BonusGhostly2.wav Two positive tones with buzzy attributes
- BonusGhostly3.wav Repeating fanfare of two tones with buzzy attributes
- BonusTinkle.wav Twinkling bells with two-tone pulse wave, fading
- BonusTriplet.wav Triple arpeggio of vibraphone style tones
- ClockworkRobotLoop.wav The walking mechanism of a small clockwork toy
- ClockworkRobotWind.wav Winding a small clockwork toy three times
- ClownHornShort.wav Exhale and inhale of a clown-style bulb horn
- ClownHorn.wav Short bulb horn toot
- FairylightDream.wav Mysterious, twinkling metallic sounds with detuned sine tones
- FairylightNightmare.wav Ghostly loop of detuned sine tones
- GlassBaubleBreak.wav Tiny glass object smashing
- GlassBaubleSmash.wav Tiny glass object smashing
- HandbellShake.wav Shake of small hand-bell
- HandbellSingle.wav Single tone of small hand-bell
- HandbellTinkle.wav Quick shake of small hand-bell
- PartyWhistle.wav Buzzy party whistle
- SantaSleigh.wav Sleigh-bells with distant wind
- ShakuFlute.wav Eastern style flute sound
- SleighBellLoop.wav Simple loop of shaken sleigh-bells
- SleighBellShake.wav Single sleigh-bell shake
- SnowfallForest.wav Wind, distant metal chimes
- StormOutside.wav Thunder storm, wind, remote metal chimes
- Tinkerbell.wav Single high pitched bell tone
- ToyWhistle.wav Two peeps on a toy whistle
- TrainWhistleWood.wav Single blow of a wooden whistle
- WhistleMajor.wav Major reed-organ chord
- WhistleMinor.wav Minor reed-organ chord