Welcome to the 1st Itch.io Game Jam run by TheGameCreators
We invite you to create a game or app with the theme 'MAZE' using AppGameKit Classic (available at 90% discount here)
How you choose to interpret the theme is up to you
- You must use AppGameKit Classic to create your submission
- You mustn't have started your submission before the start date
- Your submission must be based on the theme MAZE
- Judging will be held by public vote which will run during the competition, and for one week after the closing date
- You MUST own the right to the submission and have the right to distribute any media used
That's it!
Based on the public vote, there will be a prize for 1st and 2nd place
1st Place: A copy of our flagship 3D game-making tool GameGuru MAX and a copy of Graphix ToolBox
2nd Place: A copy of our flagship 3D game-making tool GameGuru MAX
And, as a bonus, all entries will win a copy of GameGuru Classic
Copies of GameGuru MAX and GameGuru Classic will be redeemable on Steam, Graphix Toolbox will be redeemable via the GameCreators store. (Note: the GameCreators store is independent of TheGameCreators)
You can take a look at just some of the games created using AppGameKit right here on itch!
How Do I Enter?
Just head over to the Game Jam page Itch
Good Luck Everyone!