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Plug-in Support now added to AppGameKit! With this new release we are adding the ability for developers to create plug-in commands to the Tier 1 BASIC script language. Currently this is for Windows platform only but we hope to support Mac and Linux in the coming months once we know the Windows version is working well. This new feature will allow developers to create new plug-in commands that can bolt on to the main AppGameKit languge. We have supplied a simple plug-in example to illustrate to devs how the process works. 

Please note, due to the new DLL support on the Windows platform this version contains breaking changes. Bytecode compiled with older versions will not work with this version, and bytecode compiled with this version will not work with older players.

Here's a full list of the new features in this build;

AppGameKit News

There's a lot happening in the AppGameKit community with new and free learning resources being published, user games being released and community badges to be earned.


New AppGameKit Tutorials & Guides

We've added some easy to follow video tutorials to YouTube this month. They are designed to ease new users into learning AppGameKit. The first few start you off with loading some image files and making them into a sprite. Once you've got the hang of those you can follow the step-by-step process of making a simple shooter game: